Electricity prices, which have been rising steadily over the years, are giving many people a hard time. Although you can find a lot of tips on the web on how to reduce your electricity costs with just a little effort, it still doesn’t make much of a difference to many consumers. Anyone who doesn’t want to have to constantly restrict themselves at home at all times and think about every time they flip on the light switch will therefore inevitably have to look for other ways to reduce their electricity costs. Switching to a cheaper electricity provider is one option. However, switching to solar power is usually the cheapest solution. But that’s not all: those who switch completely or at least partially to solar power are not only doing something good for their wallets, but are also making an important contribution to environmental protection.
Those who decide to install a PV system receive financial support
The principle on which the generation of solar energy is based is very simple: the sun’s rays produce energy that can be generated with the help of a solar or photovoltaic system. The generation of electricity by means of solar anergy is therefore fast and – if a corresponding PV system is available – completely free of charge and sustainable. PV systems can be used not only to generate electricity themselves, but also to provide hot water. Under these circumstances, one speaks of solar thermal energy.
If you are interested in using solar power for your own use, you can have a PV system installed on the roof of your house or garage. The installation of the system is done by experienced professionals and costs on average between 6,000 and 12,000 euros, depending on the size of the roof. In addition, there are costs for insurance, inspection and maintenance. If a storage tank is to be added, further costs of at least 5,000 euros must be expected here. What sounds like a lot of money at first, however, usually pays off after a few years. The costs that can be saved with the help of a solar system then compensate for the costs of installation and maintenance. In addition, all those who decide to install a PV system can look forward to attractive subsidies. Subsidies are available, for example, in the form of a subsidized loan from the KfW Bank, and municipalities and companies usually offer additional subsidy programs.
Owning your own property is not necessarily required
Investing in a solar system is not only worthwhile for those who want to use it for their own use or have a system installed on the roof of their own house. Those who want to invest in a solar park do not need a property whose roof they can use for the installation of a system. Instead, an open space can be leased for this purpose. All buyers of a solar park, as well as those who want to invest in it in other ways, can also enjoy a number of tax benefits and enjoy government compensation – so it’s an investment worth thinking about.
Cost efficiency and sustainability are not the only advantages that a solar power system can score with. Those who decide to use solar power make themselves independent of electricity providers and also enhance the value of their property if they decide to install it on the roof of their house. Houses with solar panels are worth far more than equivalent houses without a PV system and can therefore also be worthwhile when selling.